
Thanks everyone for your words of encouragement and concern. We've started this blog to keep you updated about Ron's recovery from surgery. Send messages to him at ronsievers@yahoo.com or to Tere at teresievers@yahoo.com

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

final posting?

In dress shirt and tie, Ron spent 4+ hours at work yesterday. He's walking the peninsula with Gary as we speak (probably not in dress shirt and tie) and so I think he's officially reached the recovery stage.

Thanks for following his progress! We've all appreciated your love, prayers and support...


Saturday, March 26, 2011

Understandably tired.

Dad spent the day up at Jen and Rich's doing some sort of fantasy sports league draft. I just talked to him and he sounded tired but I'll chalk much of that up to the exhaustion we'd all probably feel after 8+ hours of baseball statistics...

Mom sounded equally tired after a day of grandkid wrangling :)


Thursday, March 24, 2011

The slow recovery

Bit of a setback this week. Since Tuesday, Ron has had a bladder infection related to the post-surgery catheter. He's on antibiotics and hopefully they'll kick in soon. For the moment, he's taking lots of naps between intermittent bursts of activity.

Probably not the best days to visit at the moment, so give a call first.

Oh yeah, and he's sick of the rain.

thanks- Tara

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Best possible news

Ron met with his surgeon today. The pathology report came back with no signs that the cancer had spread into the lymph nodes. This confirms the diagnosis as a type 1a cancer. Beyond regular scans, he will need no further treatment.

Physically, he is doing really well. I went for a walk around the block with him the other day, and its amazing how seeing him in normal clothes makes him look like a person, not a patient. He is off all pain medication and slowly recuperating from the after effects of major surgery.

Emotionally, we have all had a terribly tough week. We lost a dear friend suddenly and are doing our best to cope.

It only makes me more grateful to have the love and support of all of you -my extended friends and family.

Love, Tara

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Ron is home

Thanks everyone for their love and support. Ron made it home tonight (despite bad traffic) and spent the evening with friends and family, followed by bed... :)

Please call for updates. I'll post if anything changes.

Love you all and thanks for your thoughts and prayers-


Ron is scheduled to be discharged this afternoon. I'm sure he's looking forward to getting home.

Not sure when he'll be up for visitors, so give a call first.


Friday, March 11, 2011


Today, Jen visited with JP and he was fascinated by the demolition of the hospital next door.

Bodhi, Frank and I came up on the train to say hello. So far, Bodhi has eaten most of Pa's available snacks... Oatmeal bar, pears, OJ, and lemon drops. Apparently he likes hospital food

Bodhi offered up 1/3 of his bean and cheese burrito, so I guess it's a fair trade.

Ron's chest tube and IV are out and he's taking a shower right now. It looks likely that he'll come home tomorrow-
